Monday, June 23, 2008

RIP Mr. Carlin

LOS ANGELES - Comedian George Carlin, a counter-culture hero famed for his routines about drugs and dirty words, died of heart failure at a Los Angeles-area hospital on Sunday, a spokesman said. He was 71.

Carlin, who had a history of heart and drug-dependency problems, died at Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica about 6 p.m. PDT after being admitted earlier in the afternoon for chest pains, spokesman Jeff Abraham told Reuters.

Known for his edgy, provocative material, Carlin achieved status as an anti-Establishment icon in the 1970s with stand-up bits full of drug references and a routine called “Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television.” A regulatory battle over a radio broadcast of the routine ultimately reached the U.S. Supreme Court.

In the 1978 case, Federal Communications Commission vs. Pacifica Foundation, the top U.S. court ruled that the words cited in Carlin’s routine were indecent, and that the government’s broadcast regulator could ban them from being aired at times when children might be listening.

Carlin’s comedic sensibility often came back to a central theme: humanity is doomed.

“I don’t have any beliefs or allegiances. I don’t believe in this country, I don’t believe in religion, or a god, and I don’t believe in all these man-made institutional ideas,” he told Reuters in a 2001 interview.

Carlin, who wrote several books and performed in many television comedy specials, is survived by his wife Sally Wade, and daughter Kelly Carlin McCall.

George Carlin was not just one of my favorite comedians, if not most favorite, he was also someone who I looked up to in a way, when it came to attitude and humor. He'll be missed.


Saturday, June 21, 2008


So I wrote about how Luke and I went to McDonald's right?

Well, luckily we didn't stick around to eat there and ate in the car instead. The news informed of the fact that about half hour to an hour after he and I got our food, two people were shot pretty much right where we were standing.

Now, I'm not saying we would've been shot as well, but you never know, I apparently look pissed off half the time, and Luke would probably have his iPhone out, making him a target as well. But, even if we weren't shot, I don't think I'd really wanna experience two people being massacred by some fucking retard with a gun who's too fucking lazy to get a real job and went on killing people for money, or dealing drugs, or what the fuck ever he was doing.

It saddens me to know that the places I love most [not McDonald's, Oakland] are getting so crazy. Yes, I know Oakland and the Hill are close and shit like that is likely, but still. Squirrell Hill and Oakland are the last two places I want to ever see being overfilled with violence and crime. They're friendly drunk and college areas, not slums.


Call of Duty World at War

So I just watched this trailer on Kotaku... -sigh-

First, I'm sick of WWII games. Call of Duty 1 and 2 were great, all the spin offs and the third game? Fine, okay, whatever. But then came CoD4 which made us want to never go back to WWII. Why go back to it again? I guess if you try to make it like CoD4 gameplay wise online and offline, people will buy it, but how many WWII "fans" are out there? Only so many types of guns and perks can relate to the time period of the game. In an interview I watched on Xbox Live, they said they added vehicles. Why? The game is good without vehicles. And yes, the first one had vehicles, but only for a little bit. They didn't use it as a driving point for the game... no lame pun intended.

Second, why the hell is it so over the top looking now? People are fucking flying everywhere like the super agent from Crackdown decided to show up with his rocket launcher and blast some fucking Nazi bitches. There's huge explosions, people running and gunning, and people flying everywhere in flames. This doesn't remind of the good old days with CoD.

Third, of course, it's not Infinity Ward, who made 1, 2, and 4, which were the good games in the series. It's not a total downer, since IW is working on CoD4 online somewhat still and hopefully on a new amazing addition to the CoD series, or something entirely new.

I'll give this a try, but it reminds me of a WWII era Battlefield Bad Company game. Except not funny.

Also, this is epic win.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Hanging out the window of a car

Today wasn't very eventful. Barely at all, lots happened anyway.

My day began with the usual lazying about the house, but I actually did some work on designs for t-shirts [which, will be eventually posted on here, yay], and then I was invited to coming clothes shopping with my friends Luke and Gina, who are the Rifugiato Duo, or siblings. Gina and I helped Luke make some choice clothes decisions. A pair of Nikes from Journey's, a polo from AE, and ankle socks. Word. Clothes I have never seen Luke wear... so I think we did pretty well, hehe.

The big highlight was when we were driving back, I decided to start hanging out the window of the car, I leaned to the passenger window and smacked it, nearly giving Gina a heart attack because she had no idea what I was doing in the back. Then bitch locked my window from up front. -_-

The picture partially demonstrates what I was doing, if I was a kinda cute girl in a stock photo.

Gina gets dropped off at Jabba the Hutt's place, Luke and I munch on some pizza, and then we split ways for awhile.

At home, I couldn't stay awake. At all. I got about four hours of sleep, since after posting on here, I started slaving away on those designs and woke up from the sun beaming down right on me, waking me up from being too hot. [sizzle]

Anyway, I get home BS with Luke via IM and out of nowhere pass out right at my keyboard, twenty or so minutes later, I wake up staring at a chat window with something along the lines of "jalksdjfjjjjjjjjjjjjkljo233333n" typed into it, but a much longer strand. Talk to Luke for a couple more minutes until he randomly stops responding, I walk around the apartment for a minute, sit down on my floor for no particular reason, and pass out, once again, this time for about an hour. When I woke up, I had no idea what the hell I was doing on the floor and didn't remember sitting down or anything before I had passed out at the keyboard until I 'freshened up' with a drink and splash of water in my face.

Luke finally woke up from his coma as well [or was he just spanking it? heh, i'm not sure i wanna know] and we decided on journeying out once again.

I got a latte to wake me up a bit, he played with his iPhone. Wandering around, we wrongly made the decision to not hang out with our friends Avi, Julia, and Kate. Which we came to regret, quickly. We drove around some more, went to Oakland, Luke tried his first Big Mac ever, and I ordered a somewhat large amount of food to bring back home at Stan's request, which made me look like the most stoned person in that building. We drop off the goods at my place, drive around some more, yadda yadda, picked up Gina and her friends, I once again decided to hang out the window. This time being in the front, I pretended to lay down as to see into the back seat windows. It was fun and so stereotypically high school.

WOO! Everyone gets dropped off, blah blah, now I'm here typing the story of today. Which wasn't amazing and I have no real reason to share the story, but I'm bored, and you probably are too if you're reading this. Or you're a creepy stalker of sorts. Or you're trying to break the barrier of my mind to make me your sex-slave. Which might be kinda cool. Maybe.

I'll probably find some random shit to post about later in the night.



I was just informed by a friend of mine that beam termination is nearly impossible in real life. Which means, no cool plasma swords for Alex if ever I get cryogenically frozen. :(

Unless I totally learn how to use the Force.

Vote the shit outta that bitch

The image says it all.

Hopefully I'll have my citizenship all in order by voting day, and this bitch is gonna be the one I vote for. McCain scares me.

Falcon Products

Right now I'd just like to share two products that should be a reality.

If the Falcon Poncho came with the helmet I'd so wear one in the rain. I'd look totally stupid, but whatever, I could be... sexy stupid. >_>

And Falcon Crunch? Hm. Better be better than Captain Crunch, cuz I think that's one of the weakest cereals, next to like Frosted Flakes.

Anyway. Back to doing whatever I was doing.

Tsing Tao and White Castle

So, it was suggested I started a blog.

And so! Here it is.

Not a whole lot going on today. Woke up after a day/night of alcohol and illegals, I chewed on some microwaveable White Castle sliders from last night, then I started and finished Lost: Via Domus on the 360, got my 1000 achievement points, and sent it packing back to GameFly. I've never watched the show, I have a feeling I won't like it, but that's probably just because I'm scared of being hooked on it. The ending of the game made me think a little bit, so I wanna find out how it relates to the show's universe in general.

Oh... and there was also Avatar. I feel dirty for even putting that thing in my 360. But, another 1000 points richer again, except with this game, if you don't know, it only takes about 2 minutes from when you put it in the tray to get ALL FIVE ACHIEVEMENTS! Yup. You stand in a corner and spam your air spell as the enemies of the first level swarm you. Get up to 50 hits, and voila, all the achievements. I understand this game was probably targeted at kids, but seriously... are kids really such big noobs? I get owned in Call of Duty and Halo by kids, I'm sure they can handle more than just a 50 hit combo. Could also be just a strange ploy to get sales.


Also, today, I barely have left my room. I used the facilities, grabbed a beer here and there [yum tsing tao!], and that was about it. I walked down to the mailbox to send away Lost and Avatar, also. I was GONNA clean my room up a bit, organize it, also go through pictures of the past year or so to decide which ones were gonna get printed, but, I didn't even do that. I started browsing Craigslist and DeviantArt and got completely sucked in. Also, I checked Facebook every few minutes. Woooo...

Then, Stan, my brother [sigh... he's a sad story for another time, or many other times] came home from work with a Naruto movie. I swore to myself at one point to never touch that show. But, as soon as he put it in, I didn't move from it really. I think playing Avatar for those two minutes made me lose all sense of nerd morals I had. Sadly, I also now have an interest in the show. Stan says to read the manga. Maybe I'll do that instead. Hmm...

Now my interest in the computer is finally waning for the day, so I think I'll move on to the bed.

So, uh. Signing off? I dunno. Good night internet.